Elizabeth Ballantyne


Être bilingue, c'est gagnant!

About Elizabeth Ballantyne Elementary

Elizabeth Ballantyne School provides a safe learning environment for students when on school property or on school sponsored activities off-site.

The school is a place in which students are encouraged to freely express their views, opinions and beliefs. At the same time, students are expected to accept the views, opinions and beliefs of others, no matter how different from their own, without malice or prejudice.

What programs does Elizabeth Ballantyne School offer?

English Core Program

Elizabeth Ballantyne offers an English Core program which emphasizes early English language instruction and a strong program in French as a second language.

All students have two weekly visits to the Montreal West Children’s Library, which is housed in the school building.


The Steam Team is made up of a select group of students who are given an opportunity to take ownership of their own learning. The students on the Steam Team are given time to explore their own passions, encouraging curiosity and creativity. It provides students with a choice in what they want to learn. The Steam Team encourages life-long learning, imagination, perseverance, self-awareness, and adaptability.

Robotics at Elizabeth Ballantyne School

Teaching Robotics at EBS started over nine years ago with the use of RCX kits. When Lego introduced the NXT, Elizabeth Ballantyne was one of the first schools in the °µÍøÁÔÆæ to incorporate them into their Robotics Club. This year we are very well equipped, with a dozen EV3 kits that allow over twenty-five students to enjoy building and programming robots that compete in soccer, search and rescue, dance, and triathlon games.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Elizabeth Ballantyne offers many extra-curricular activities to its students during class time, at lunch and after-school.