Options to exercise voting rights


Être bilingue, c'est gagnant!

Every four years elections are held to determine who will sit on the Council of Commissioners and who will be the Chairman. The elections are organized by ward, and generally, Commissioners run as part of a team, or independently.

Electoral List - Exercise of voting rights

For any interested electors who would like to be registered on the permanent Anglophone Electoral List, you will find a link below to a form entitled Notice to the Anglophone school board - Option or revocation of option regarding the exercise of voting rights.

Once the form is completed, please return the original signed copy directly to the Reception of the School Board c/o Me Nathalie Lauzière, Secretary General at 6000, Fielding Avenue, Montreal (Quebec), H3X 1T4. You can also email the signed form to nlauziere@emsb.qc.ca.
