How-To Video Series for Students:
How to
Choose a School
How to get ready
for taking public transit
How to use
a combination lock
How to read
a timetable
How to
Study Effectively
How to
Stay Organized
Useful Websites for Parents & Students:
Ready for High School
This interactive website allows children to practice common high school activities through virtual games. There is also useful information for parents/guardians.
LEARN Quebec
This website is a one-stop-shop for both parents and students. Parent/Guardians can learn tips on helping their children succeed and how to get involved in their child's learning. Students can find resources, homework help, and simple How-To guides for various subjects.
Ministère de l'Éducation
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur - Students & Parents
This government website is where parents and guardians can find a variety of information regarding their children's life at school. Everything from learning about bullying to report cards and ministerial exams can be found on the website.
Resources for Parents:
Transition to High School Brochure
This brochure for parents provides an overview of adolescent development and has some useful tips on how to prepare your child for high school during the pandemic.
°µÍøÁÔÆæ High School Book Guide
We have prepared this guide for parents starting their approach into the world of secondary education. Here you will find a snapshot of what each of our mainstream high schools has to offer