(All Levels)
Khan Academy
Video lessons and assignments can be found on this site for free.
(Grade 11)
Chem Collective
A collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests.
(All Levels)
PhET Simulations
A collection of chemistry, biology,and physics simulations.
Click here to visit website(All Levels)
Let’s Talk Science
Website focused on presenting Canadian youth with various STEM projects and educational resources.
(All Levels)
Government of Canada
Discover an exciting collection of science games, experiments, and activities.
(Grade 11)
Intuitor (Physics)
Do movies portray proper physics? Find out on this site dedicated to dissecting, criticizing, and arguing the merits of physics in movies
(All Levels)
Annenberg Learner
Website whose science programs are intended for students for both in the classroom and viewers at home.
(Grades 7-8)
National Geographic Kids
Brain boosters, cool science stuff, and videos to help kids focus on the real side of science.
(All Levels)
National Geographic Science
Great science topics explored the National Geographic way. Spot on videos and articles on the latest science discoveries and scientific concepts of interest.
(Grades 9-11)
Québec Science - Pour les 14-17 ans
Magazine scientifique.Cette section du magazine offre des textes pour les jeunes sur des sujets de science qui font l'actualité, des réponses à des questions intrigantes. On y aborde aussi le sujet des carrières scientifiques.
(All Levels)
Un organisme de bienfaisance qui offre gratuitement de l'aide aux devoirs et aux leçons à tous les élèves du primaire, du secondaire et de la formation générale aux adultes, ainsi qu'aux parents d'élèves du Québec.
(All Levels)
Science News for Students
Provides topical science news for learners, parents and educators.
Click here to visit websiteNature and Universe (All Levels)
Canadian Museum of Nature
Gallery interactives that originate from the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Click here to visit websiteNature and Universe (All Levels)
Montreal Biodome
Discover the plants and animals of the Montreal Biodome virtually.
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
Montreal Botanical Garden
Are you interested in orchids, ferns, and cycads? Learn some interesting facts about these amazing flowers and plants.
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
Montreal Planetarium
Fun astronomical activities to enjoy with the whole family.
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
Montreal Insectarium
Discover some super cool insects and other arthropods.
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
Canadian Space Agency
Fun educational activities brought to you directly from our very own CSA
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
NASA Education
Fun activities to do at home with the focus on Earth and Space topics.
Nature and Universe (All Levels)
Discover the Universe
The Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec showcases great pictures and videos on all things astronomical.