Elementary | Physical Education & Health


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Elementary Education

Physical Education & Health

Physical Education (Grades K-6)

The Physical Educator

Explore this Google Doc for links to a number of resources and activities on sleep, mental health, physical activity and healthy eating from Joey Feith, founder of ThePhysicalEducator.com. For more information, read Joey's blog post on distance learning in Physical Education here:

Physical Education (All grades)

EdCan Network - Impact of PE

Information about the impact of a Quality Physical Education program on overall success / Information About PE

Physical Education (All grades)

UNESCO - Benefits of Quality PE / Information About PE

Information about the impact of a Quality Physical Education program on overall success

Physical Activity (Grades K-6)

BOKS (Build Our Kids Success) At Home Physical Activity Resource

Build Our Kids' Success (BOKS) is an initiative of the Reebok Canada Fitness Foundation. It is a free physical activity program aimed at improving children physically, mentally and socially through movement.

Physical Activity (Grades K-6)

Active for Life

Active for Life is a Canadian not-for-profit social initiative. Their mission is to help parents give their children the right start in life through the development of physical literacy.

Health (Grades K-11)

Canada's Food Guide

A lot has changed with the new Canadian Food Guide - learn about it here. Try out some of the recipes at home!

Health (Grades K-6)

Just for You - Children's Health

Health Canada website specifically for children. Fun and helpful resources just for kids! Keywords: children's health, Health Canada

Health (Grades K-6)


Education website for kids founded by Nemours is a nonprofit children's health system. We aim to give you the tools and confidence to make the best health choices.

Physical Activity (Grades K-11)

The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines - Build Your Best Day

Explore this dynamic and interactive website to learn about the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth - How much should you SWEAT, SIT, SLEEP and STEP?

Physical Activity (Grades K-6)

Go Noodle - Good Energy at Home

GoNoodle helps teachers and parents get kids moving with short interactive activities. The website contains over thousands of movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.

Physical Activity (Grades K-6)

Force 4

Force 4 est un programme de soutien aux écoles afin de leur offrir des idées pour faire bouger les jeunes au moins une heure par jour. Une web télé, élément principal du programme Force 4, diffuse chaque jour du contenu ludique, riche et inspirant pour motiver à l’action

Physical Activity (Grades K-11)

Canadian Olympic School Program

The Canadian Olympic School Program (COSP) offers over 100 free online education resources that are aimed at promoting safer and more inclusive sport environments, inspiring the application of the Olympic values, and engaging Canadians in adopting and maintaining healthy active lifestyles.