English Language Arts (Grades Pk-K)
Funbrain Jr. Preschool
Website and app that has many interactive educational preschool games for K4-K5. The website also has audio stories suited for preschool, as well as printable educational worksheets that are simple and effective.
English Language Arts (Grades K-3)
Starfall allows children to have fun while they learn! Starfall specializes in reading, phonics and math while providing educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for children.
English Language Arts (Grades K-6)
Storyline Online
Storyline Online streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Each book includes supplemental curriculum developed by a credentialed elementary educator, aiming to strengthen comprehension and verbal and written skills.
French Language Arts (Grades Pk-K)
La souris Web|Sites maternelle
Sélection de sites de jeux éducatifs pour les enfants du préscolaire, maternelle. On y offre des jeux de mémoire, casse-têtes, jeux d’observation, d’éveil à la lecture, aux nombres, au calcul et bien plus encore.
French Language Arts (Grades Pk-K)
La souris Web|Navigation par icônes
Cette page du site est particulièrement conçue pour les enfants qui pourront y naviguer facilement grâce aux icônes. Les icônes sont regroupées par catégories: Alphabet-lettres, Jeux de prélecture-préécriture, Nombres et calcul, Couleurs-formes, Mémoires-observation-logique, Comptines-histoires-contes-karaokés.
English Language Arts (Grades Pk-2)
PBS Kids Preschool
Interactive website and app that has many educational games for children to enjoy. There are also short video clips of PBS shows that are safe for children to watch. PBS also has a daily activity newsletter available for parents.
English Language Arts (Grades Pk-6)
Oxford Owl for Home
Oxford Owl is packed with expert advice, top tips and activities to help parents support their children's education at home. With over 100 free eBooks, Oxford Owl offers a fun collection that will help young children learn to read, and love to read.
French Language (Grades Pk-K)
La souris Web|Écoute et lis
Sur cette page du site, vous y trouverez des liens vers des histoires, contes et livres virtuels, aussi bien pour écouter que pour lire. Des activités et des jeux pédagogiques autour de la lecture y sont également offerts.
French Language Arts (Parents Pk-K)
RÉCIT | Presco
Suggestions d’applications par thématiques (ex : alimentation, cirque, métiers, etc.) Attention: certaines applications sont payantes.