Game Based Learning Programs
Dance Mat Typing
Build worlds or acquire new skills with game based learning! Dance Mat Typing offers typing lessons
Sock Puppets App (iOS)
Create and animate stories directly from your iPad. All apps are free or have a limited free version available.
Storytelling (Grades 4+)
Create and animate stories directly from your iPad. All apps are free or have a limited free version available.
Art and Design
Pixel Art
Create 2 and 3 dimensional art and sculptures with these easy to use websites.
Art and Design
Create 2 and 3 dimensional art and sculptures with these easy to use websites.
Code Studio
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Programming/Coding (Grades 5+)
Pencil Code Gym
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Turtle Academy
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Digital Citizenship Games (Grades 3-4
Zoey & Molly
Age appropriate games to learn about many aspects of digital citizenship.
Digital Citizenship Games (Grades 4-6
Interland - Be Internet Awesome
Age appropriate games to learn about many aspects of digital citizenship.
Family Resources Digital Citizenship
Common Sense Media
Resources for parents and families about the best practices when going online or using mobile devices.
Family Resources Digital Citizenship
Break The Fake
Resources for parents and families about the best practices when going online or using mobile devices.
Family Resources Digital Citizenship
« Faux » que ça cesse
Resources for parents and families about the best practices when going online or using mobile devices.
Game Based Learning Programs
Minecraft, Education Edition
Minecraft, Education Edition open world building game. Build worlds or acquire new skills with game based learning!
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Draw and Tell App (iOS)
Create and animate stories directly from your iPad. All apps are free or have a limited free version available.
Art and Design (Grades 5+)
Create 2 and 3 dimensional art and sculptures with these easy to use websites.
Art and Design
Create 2 and 3 dimensional art and sculptures with these easy to use websites.
Programming/Coding (Grades K-2)
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Programming/Coding (Grades 3-6)
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Swift Playgrounds (iOS)
Age appropriate coding websites for students who want to get started with coding. Appropriate for beginners and experts alike.
Digital Citizenship Games (Grades 3-4
Age appropriate games to learn about many aspects of digital citizenship.
Digital Citizenship Games (Grades 3-5
Digital Passport
Age appropriate games to learn about many aspects of digital citizenship.
Digital Citizenship Games (Grades 6-8
Digital Compass
Age appropriate games to learn about many aspects of digital citizenship.
Family Resources Digital Citizenship
Resources for parents and families about the best practices when going online or using mobile devices.
Family Resources Digital Citizenship
Resources for parents and families about the best practices when going online or using mobile devices.