Royal West Science Student Shines at Science Fairs
Overall, this year after four science-fairs, Lia won four medals and four university scholarships, valued at $16,500. At the Grade 11 level at the Royal West Academy Science Fair she took home the Award of Excellence in Biology – Senior and her fourth consecutive Gold Medal. At the Montreal Regional Science & Technology Fair at Concordia, she won the Bronze Medal - Senior, the Cercles des jeunes naturalistes Award, the Concordia University Faculty of Arts & Science Entrance Bursary ($2500) and Highest Distinction. At the Quebec Provincial Expo-science Final, she won the Prix de L’Université de Concordia - $4000 per year renewable for three consecutive years, and Medal & Finalist - Member of Délégation Québécoise Expo-sciences pancanadienne 2017. Finally, as the only student at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in in Regina, Saskatchewan in May, she scored 92 percent and won a senior excellence award – Bronze medal and $1,000 scholarships to both Western University and Ottawa University.