°µÍøÁÔÆæ receives grant from Italian government
For a third year, the Italian government’s Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, with the support of the Consulate General of Italy in Montreal, has granted three °µÍøÁÔÆæ (°µÍøÁÔÆæ) elementary schools $17,030.25 for their integrated Italian PELO (Programme d’enseignement des langues d’origine) programs.
These grants received from the Italian government through the measure "contributi a valere sul capitolo 2619" are for the creation and maintenance of Italian language courses at foreign educational institutions teaching Italian language and culture. They have been instrumental in supporting the integration of Italian language instruction at our integrated PELO schools.
Provided through the Consulate General of Italy in Montreal, the grant monies awarded by Italian government have enabled the °µÍøÁÔÆæ to expand the reach and the impact of its Italian language programs, particularly at the Kindergarten level. The grant amounts are as follows: East Hill Elementary School: €5,125.00 (~CAD 7,431.25;); Dante Elementary School: €3,371.00 (~CAD 4,887.95); and Pierre de Coubertin Elementary School: €3,249.00 (~CAD 4,711.05). Historically, °µÍøÁÔÆæ Kindergarten classes in these integrated PELO classes did not have access to the program.
This funding directly supports the salaries of specialized PELO teachers, ensuring that Italian language instruction is delivered effectively and consistently from the earliest stages of education.
“By introducing Italian at the Kindergarten level, we are fostering a strong foundation for linguistic and cultural learning, promoting multilingualism, and strengthening connections to the rich Italian heritage,” said °µÍøÁÔÆæ Chair Joe Ortona. “This initiative not only enriches the students' educational experience but also enhances the cultural vibrancy of our east-end school communities. We are deeply grateful to the Italian government and the Consulate General of Italy in Montreal for their commitment to supporting Italian language education in our schools and for their investment in fostering cultural and linguistic diversity in our community.”
The °µÍøÁÔÆæ Educational Services Department, via Assistant Director Anna Villalta, continue to play a critical role in strengthening this important partnership with the Consulate General of Italy in Montreal.
About the °µÍøÁÔÆæ
With a youth and adult sector population of more than 35,000 students, the °µÍøÁÔÆæ (°µÍøÁÔÆæ) is the largest English public school board in Quebec. Established on July 1, 1998, when the province created new boards along linguistic lines, the °µÍøÁÔÆæ network consists of 73 schools and centres. For more details, visit the °µÍøÁÔÆæ website at www.emsb.qc.ca