°µÍøÁÔÆæ Adopts New Special Education Policy
The °µÍøÁÔÆæ (°µÍøÁÔÆæ) has adopted The Policy Governing the Organization of Educational Services for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Disabilities (referred to as The Special Education Policy).
In accordance with Section 235 of the Education Act, which states that every school board is required to adopt a Special Education Policy, this guides the °µÍøÁÔÆæ by supporting its schools in their efforts to educate students within a caring, safe and inclusive learning community.
The Special Education Policy has been developed to enable the Board’s personnel, in collaboration with the parents and its community partners, to provide the highest quality service to students with special needs so that each student may reach his/her maximum potential in acquiring the knowledge, the social skills and the qualifications to live a fulfilling and productive life.
A multidisciplinary Special Education Policy Committee, composed of 15 °µÍøÁÔÆæ stakeholders developed the policy. Issues addressed included: evaluation and procedure; grouping of students in specialized schools, classes or groups; establishing and evaluating Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) ; confidentiality; and mechanisms for addressing issues raised by the application of the policy.
Director of Student Services Lew Lewis says that the policy statement shares the °µÍøÁÔÆæ’s commitment to providing educational services that will encourage every student to strive to fulfill his/her full potential. “In meeting this commitment for students with special needs, the Board favours, where possible, the integration of these students in regular classes in a setting as close as possible to their place of residence,” Mr. Lewis explained. “However, if integration is not deemed appropriate to effectively meet the needs of a student, then an alternate educational setting shall be recommended, always taking into account the best interest of the student. The organization of such educational services shall be based on the individual evaluation of the abilities and needs of the students and on the available human and financial resources of the Board.”