Database section 7


Promoting inclusion and mental well-being | Promouvoir l’inclusion et le mieux-être mental


This database is strictly a research guide. The °µÍøÁÔÆæ is not in a position to recommend or endorse any resources that are non- °µÍøÁÔÆæ entities. We strongly suggest that readers research these resources to determine if they are appropriate for the care of their child and meet their specific needs.

If you would like to recommend a resource for this list, please Email Us

Medical Clinics

Douglas Mental Health University Institute

Referrals are needed for each of the following clinics:

  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Mood Disorders
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Intellectual Handicaps

Address: 6875 LaSalle Blvd, Verdun, Quebec H4H 1R3
Tel: 514-761-6131

Jewish General Hospital Child Psychiatry Department

The department includes an out-patient service for children up to 15 years old and day/evening hospital programs for children ranging in age from three to 12 years old (secondary- and tertiary-line service). The children are assessed and treated with their families for a broad range of child problems, including pervasive developmental disorders, conduct problems, attention deficit disorder, depression, suicide risk, psychotic disorders, and anxiety disorders

Address: 4335 Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1E2
Tel: 514-340-8222 ext. 27666

Montreal Children’s Hospital

The hospital’s 92 departments deal with all aspects of a child’s physical and mental well being 0-18 years of age.

Address: 1001 Decarie Blvd., Montreal, Quebec, H4A 3J1
Tel: 514-412-4400

Brain, Development and Behaviour (BDB)

The department is an integrated clinical network providing assessment and consultative services for children 0-18 years old with complex developmental disabilities requiring a multidisciplinary approach, including but not exhaustively:

Tel: 514-412-4400 ext. 24496 or ext. 68288

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Global Developmental Delay
  • Early Developmental Impairment
  • ADHD
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder and other neurological development conditions.

The multidisciplinary team is made up of professionals from many other departments. The BDB
the clinical network includes two multidisciplinary clinics:

  • BDB 0 - 7 Clinic for children 0-7 years old
  • BDB 7 - 18 Clinic for children 7-18 years old

New patients referred to the BDB Clinics or any department made up of the BOB multidisciplinary
the team must first contact the BDB Central Intake Office: 514-412-4496.

Some of the departments that require new patients to contact the Central Intake Office are:

  • Audiology: 514-412-4454
  • Child Development 514-412-4314 Evaluates issues relating to developmental skills and
    abilities or particular behavioural concerns including but not limited to complex
    developmental issues, multiple developmental delays, ADHD and Learning Disabilities,
    Gender Variance, psychopharmacological consultation.
  • Neurology 514-412-4446. The department has specific categories of whom they will and will not see (please consult their website
  • Occupational Therapy: 514-412-4407
  • Feeding Disorders: 514-412-4400, ext. 22334
  • Physiotherapy: 514-412-4407
  • Psychiatry: 514-412-4449
  • Psychology: 514-412-4400 ext. 23295
  • Speech and Language Pathology: 514-412-4491

Some departments that do not require Central Intake information are:

  • Eating Disorder Clinic: 514-412-4400 #23662. The clinic has its own Intake Form.
  • °µÍøÁÔÆæ: 514-412-4400. The School Board has elementary and high school teachers
    for patients staying over an extended amount of time.
  • Spina Bifida: 514-412-4400 ext 22543

Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies

The Access Program is the hub of all psychiatry services, 514-323-3487. All service requests are based on a medical reference.

  • ADHD Clinic: 514-323-7260 ext. 2470 and 2475
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: 515-323-7260

Address: 7070 Perras Boulevard, Montreal, Quebec H1E 1A4
Tel: 514-323-7260, ext. 2475

Royal Victoria Hospital Speech and Hearing Department of the MUHC

Address: 1001 Decarie Blvd, Montreal, QC H4A 3J1
Tel: 514-934-1934

Speech-Language Pathology
514-934-8028 to book an appointment
514-934-1934 ext. 1-34149 Speech Department

Sainte-Justine Hospital Child Psychiatric Department

Provides dogs to those with one or many visual or motor disabilities, and to children with autism or PDD.

Address: 3175 Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1C5
Tel: 514-345-4931 ext. 4864

Shriners Hospital for Children

Children up to 18 are eligible, by referral. Pediatric orthopaedic care and neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, ie. Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease), Scoliosis, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Spina Bifida, club feet and limb length discrepancy.

Address: 1003 Decarie Blvd., Montreal, Quebec H4A 0A9
Tel: 514-842-4464

Medical Testing at Home

Santé Mobile A1

Mobile medical testing services will come to your home to perform lab tests for all ages.

Address: 12348 Rue Lachapelle, Montréal, Quebec H4J 2M8 And 25-3608 St. Charles, Kirkland, Quebec H9H 3C3
Tel: 514-461-1186

Specialized Dental Services

If your child cannot be treated by your regular dentist, accessible, specialized dental care is available from:

Centre de réadaptation Marie-Enfant

The dental team at the Centre de réadaptation Marie Enfant is working in close consultation with the Dentistry Department of the CHU Sainte-Justine. 
Tel: 514-374-1710

Hôpital Sainte-Justine

Tel: 514-345-4931

McGill University

To make an appointment for the summer, you must call in the spring.
Tel: 514-398-5017