Diverse Resources
This database is strictly a research guide. The °µÍøÁÔÆæ is not in a position to recommend or endorse any resources that are non- °µÍøÁÔÆæ entities. We strongly suggest that readers research these resources to determine if they are appropriate for the care of their child and meet their specific needs.
Black Healing Centre
Offers access to free and subsidized therapy in the black community.
Address: 4545 Rue Saint-Denis, Montréal Québec H2J 2L4
Tel: 450-830-4545
Email: info@blackhealingcentre.com
Black Mental Health Connections Montreal (BMHC MTL)
An alliance of organizations and individuals focused on the mental health and well-being of the English-speaking Black community in Montreal.
Email: info@blackhealingcentre.com
Camp Lift
Offers schools a complementary turnkey approach that aims to develop healthy lifestyle habits and interpersonal skills in young people who may be at risk for dropping out of school. The camp is an eight-week interactive school program that is held in the winter and summer.
Email: info@camplift.com
Canadian Mental Health Association
A professional and confidential service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Crisis-Ado-Family-Enfance Service (CAFE)
The CAFE program is aimed at children aged 0 to 17 and their families who are experiencing a major family crisis.
The main goal of the team of social workers and educators is to find solutions to keep children from being placed and to prevent the need to report a situation to the director of Youth Protection (DYP).
A social worker will give advice, answer questions and direct you to the right resource. Depending on the situation and following an analysis, professionals could travel to the scene of the event (home, school, etc.) to help manage the crisis and find solutions.
To obtain the services of the CAFE team, or any other youth services, you must contact Info-Social at 811 or the psychosocial reception of your CLSC.
École de la Relève
Services to people 7 years and older facing mental health difficulties.
Address: 3700 Crémazie Boulevard East, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2A 1B2
Tel: 514-325-9486
Friends For Mental Health
A bilingual non-profit organization in the West Island of Montreal. Our mission is to help individuals and families better cope with their loved one’s mental health issue.
Address: 186, Sutton Place, Suite 121, Beaconsfield, Quebec, H9W 5S3
Tel: 514-636-6885
Groupe d’entraide pour un mieux-être (G.E.M.E.)
A self-help group and individual meetings for anxiety disorders.
Address: 1085 Chemin du Coteau-Rouge Bureau 232 Longueuil (Québec) J4K 1W7
Tel: 450-332-4463
Email: info@groupegeme.com
Myra’s Kids Foundation
Offering monthly bereavement support groups for children aged 6 to 17 and extended family, host a Camp Erin Montreal in the summer, where bereaved children can honour the memory of a special person who has passed away. The camp session is for three days and is a free, non-denominational bereavement camp. It is staffed with bereavement counsellors and volunteers professionally trained by a child bereavement expert.
Address: 6783 Ashkelon Crescent Montreal, Quebec H4W 3E4
Tel: 438-346-7989
Email: katja@myraskids.ca
Multi Ecoute
Mental Health Services for immigrants and refugees.
Tel: 514-737-3604
Email: information@multiecoute.org
Project Pal
People living with mental health challenges often suffer from discrimination and isolation. Project Pal is a bilingual community organization founded in 1975 that responds to these issues by offering diverse services using an alternative approach of empowerment and mutual aid.
Address: 861 rue de l’Église, Montreal, QC H4G 2N3
Tel: 514 767-4701