Behaviour Management (Parents)
COVID-19: Five Helpful Responses for Families
Conscious Discipline is a website that provides an array of behaviour management strategies and activities that can support parents in helping children cope and thrive during challenging times.
Assistive Technology (Parents & Students)
AT @ °µÍřÁÔĆć
Accessibility & assistive technology resources for our community. Resources for Universal Design for Learning, Literacy/numeracy support, AAC, AT and Evaluation, AT guides and Lending Library.
Teaching Stratgies (Parents)
LDOnline Questions & Answers
Questions and answers regarding different aspects of learning disabilities and strategies that can be used to help struggling students.
English Literacy (eBooks)
Quebec Reading Connection
A Quebec-based site run by Quebec educators that can help parents to select a text that is appropriate for both their reading level and their interest level. There is a handy search tool that allows you to search using specific criteria. (i.e. reading level 1-2, interest level 5-6). Some of these texts can then be found on the °µÍřÁÔĆć virtual library.
Literacy (Parents)
Early Literacy Resources
A list of reading websites and free apps for early literacy prepared by our school board consultants.
English Literacy (Reading)
Mrs. P's Magic Library
An award-winning FREE interactive digital storybook destination. Classic children’s stories brought to life.